Kamis, 05 Agustus 2021






 461L RAP(H2P)_PACE KARANG_RIAN LINK_Nikmati sore(LIRICK)_2021

-nikamati sore....
-bukan baku bore....
-indah sore....
-bikin hati hore-hore....
-i don't need the heter come to home...
-i don't need the heter come to me...
-nikamati sore....
-bukan baku bore....
-indah sore....
-bikin hati hore-hore....
-i don't need the heter come to home...
-i don't need the heter come to me...
RAP_Rian link
-Hari ini Torang kumpul sama**.
-Nikmati sore hari ddk** depan rumah.
-Di tambah lgi dengan gorengan.
-Teh pucuk harum bikin tambh Rama.
-Yes ya tem..... Ini Torang punya story'bukan bore.

-Lewati sore hari dengan penuh canda tawa.
-Happy yg za rasa........... Itu luar biasa..
-Sampe kapanpun trakan ku lupa ini kisah
-Bahagia yg za rasa.
-nikamati sore....
-bukan baku bore....
-indah sore....
-bikin hati hore-hore....
-i don't need the heter come to home...
-i don't need the heter come to me...
-nikamati sore....
-bukan baku bore....
-indah sore....
-bikin hati hore-hore....
-i don't need the heter come to home...
-i don't need the heter come to me...
-inilah waktu yang terindah...
-banayak momen kan tercipta dengan tanda....
-tanpa tunda...
-banyak senyuman su terlontar trda beda....
-waltu yang jalan trada jeda.....
-yoo lanjut....
-awanna back to make story....
-you hate me...i can say the sory....
-don't wory about i thing....
-i can feling make you...sinting.....
-and you foling...and you....miring...
-get out in my way......
-i don't need you  in the day....
-nikamati sore....
-bukan baku bore....
-indah sore....
-bikin hati hore-hore....
-i don't need the heter come to home...
-i don't need the heter come to me...
-nikamati sore....
-bukan baku bore....
-indah sore....
-bikin hati hore-hore....
-i don't need the heter come to home...
-i don't need the heter come to me...
RAP_Pace karang
-Im happy in the day
-Santai santai everyday
-Making the heaters wrong way
-Hello hello what you sey .Eyy. okey

-Kumpul kumpul Deng Sodara
-Nikmati Sore Yang Cerah
-Banyak cerita Dan bicara Yee

-Hidup pindah kan Ter ara
-Dan Bahagia tong pu cara
-Indah sunset tong bersama

-Trada Jalan salah salah..
-Bukan sa, mau mencela
-Masih Slalu tong bersama -
-Tiap Waktu Trada Beda Tetap ramah
-nikamati sore....
-bukan baku bore....
-indah sore....
-bikin hati hore-hore....
-i don't need the heter come to home...
-i don't need the heter come to me...
-nikamati sore....
-bukan baku bore....
-indah sore....
-bikin hati hore-hore....
-i don't need the heter come to home...
-i don't need the heter come to me...
-slowly slowly....baby....
-nikmati hari mu dengan bahagia.......


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461L RAP(H2P)_FT_WI'TANTY_Untuk mu_2022_(LIRICK LAGU)_F.M.V.46 PROD

   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #F.M.V.46 PROD_NEW LIRIK LAGU ---------------------...